How to auto BCC from Outlook?

How to auto BCC from Outlook?

You need the developer tab visible in Outlook: 

Click Developer - Visual Basic (note alt+F11 achieves the same result) When the Visual Basic Editor is launched, double click on Project 1 > Microsoft Office Outlook > ThisOutlookSession to open the VBA editor. And in the opening code editing window, select the Application option from the drop-down box. 

Between the “Private Sub Application_ItemSend (ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean)” and “End Sub”, copy and paste the attached code between these two lines. 

Now you should pay attention to the" line, because you need to replace it with the email address you like to bcc. When you finish typing the email address, click the Save button to save the code. Then close the editor. Hide the Devloper tab.
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