November 2023
What is a Data Model?
Zoho CRM consists of a number of entities - system modules, custom modules, subforms, linking modules and picklist history. These entities connect together to form your instance of Zoho CRM. The Data Model for Zoho CRM gives you a visual representation of how these different entities are connected. It provides a picture of how your instance of Zoho CRM is built and the interlinking relationships. Furthermore it also provides API Names and data types in a single location.
Key Features
Visual Representation
The Data Model for Zoho CRM provides a clear and simple way of visualising the build of your Zoho CRM. It graphically shows you the links between system modules, custom modules, subforms, linking modules and picklist history.
Entity Selector
Choose how you can view entities at a single click. Either look at all your entities and their relationships or view a specific entity and its relationships.
A quick and easy way to interrogate your instance of Zoho CRM - visualise how the different entities are connected together.
Developer Mode
Developer Mode is a quick and easy way to obtain API Names and data types.
Mini Map
As this is a visualisation tool, mini map allows you to zoom in or out on specific areas of your Zoho CRM.
Access Data Model
Data Model is available in the Settings section of Zoho CRM. it is located under the Developer Section.