Zoho CRM Email Authentication

Zoho CRM Email Authentication

Zoho CRM Email Authentication

16th October 2023

When you use a third party application to send email on your behalf (for example Zoho CRM), you should always utilise Email Authentication. Email Authentication is a method of verifying your domain so that recipients are confident that the sender is actually from the company that the domain represents. Furthermore, Zoho are implementing a security feature that you can only send Email from Zoho CRM using a custom domain if you have authenticated that Email address. If your domain is not authenticated, Emails sent from Zoho CRM will use Zoho's own generic verified addresses. 

The process to complete Zoho CRM Email Authentication is straightforward. It requires what are called DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework) codes added to your DNS (Domain Name System). Whoever manages your Domain Name will be able to complete this action for you. If you need assistance, we can complete it on your behalf. 

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