Zoho CRM - Rich Text Fields

Zoho CRM - Introducing Rich Text Fields

January 2024
Enterprise and Ultimate Editions of Zoho CRM

Introducing Zoho CRM Rich Text Fields

Why Rich Text?

Until now, multi-line fields only allowed plain text, restricting formatting choices like font styles and colors. Upgrade with rich text for varied fonts, colors, highlights, bullet points, numbered lists, bold, italics, and more. Rich text allows you to present data in an enhanced format making it more readable.


  1. Expanded character limit - originally multiline fields were limited to 2,000 characters. This has been increased to 32,000.
  2. Text Editor - offering a range of essential and additional editing options.
  3. Format Options - Bold,Italics, Underline, Strikethrough, Text colors, Background color, Bullets, Numbering, URL, Indent options, Subscript, Superscript, Emojis, Clear formatting.
  4. Expanded Text Box - Completing records is now easier with an expandable text box that transforms into a pop-up, resembling a notebook. This upgraded interface provides a more spacious and focused writing experience.

The Future

  1. Support for converting Multi-Line Large Fields to Rich Text Fields.
  2. Support for Rich Text Fields in List Views.
  3. Support for Rich Text in Notes.


  1. Are Rich Text Fields supported in the Zoho CRM Mobile App? No not currently.
  2. Will Rich text Fields be supported in Zoho Analytics? Rich text fields won't be supported in integration with Zoho Analytics since there are character count limitations in mapping the fields.
  3. Can we migrate existing Multiline fields to Rich Text Fields? For the first phase, Rich Text Fields need to be added as new fields. For the next phase, Zoho will support conversion of Multi-line large fields to Rich Text Fields and customers can convert existing Multi-line large fields to Rich Text Fields.
  4. Will Rich Text Fields also be visible in Email Templates? Yes, Rich Text Fields will be available in Email Templates with rich text formatting and not just plain text.
  5. Can we also send HTML in a rich text using deluge? Yes, HTML tags can be used for rich text fields in deluge.