Zoho Projects
Zoho Analytics Data Alerts
What are Zoho Analytics Data Alerts? For informed business decisions, you need to know changes in your business data. When manually monitoring huge data which continues to grow everyday, you may miss vital information that needs your attention. Zoho ...
Zoho Projects - Introduction
Are you considering using Zoho projects? This web page will help you get started with Zoho Projects, and guide you to the relevant areas for deeper research on Zoho Projects: https://www.zoho.com/projects/help/portal-overview.html Published: April ...
Zoho Projects - Profiles and Roles
Users perform different functions based on organisations structure and their specific job role or function. While some users can perform all the actions in a portal and see all critical project information, some need only limited access. Using ...
Zoho Projects - Manage Portal and Project Users
A collection of hyperlinks to learn more about how to manage Portal and Project Users in Zoho Projects. Add users Portal users Add portal users Deactivate Users Project users Add project users Project teams Edit or Delete users Edit a Portal User ...
Zoho Projects - Change viewers or followers to project users
In Zoho Projects you can follow a Project User to know about their Project activities. And once you follow a Project User, you will be notified about all their Project activities in your Project Feed. Tpo learn more about this feature, or how to ...
Zoho Projects Timer for Tasks
You can start a timer for tasks to record your actual working hours. After completing the task you can stop the timer and your entries will be automatically logged in the timesheet. Timers can also be paused and resumed so that you track your ...